Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SCIBERRAS, A. (2008) Nota fuq in Nomenklatura tal- Mazzarelli Li ghawn idukumentati fil Gzejjer Maltin. L-Imnara 9(1) Harga numru 32:42-44.

SCIBERRAS, A. (2008) Laqmijiet min hal-Qormi ,(in-naha ta`San Gorg) L-Imnara 9(1) Harga numru 32:40-41.

SCIBERRAS, A. & SCHEMBRI, E. (2005) Butterflies Recorded in the Maltese Islands.Calendar2007.Claytons print.

SCIBERRAS, A. & LALOV S,V. (2007)Notes On The Impact Of The Black Rat(Rattus rattus L.) On The Flora And Fauna Of Fungus Rock (Maltese Islands). The

SCIBERRAS, A. & SCHEMBRI, E. (2005) The presence of Aglais urticae (lepidoptera:Nymphalidae) in the Maltese islands. The Central Mediterranean Natur

SCIBERRAS, A. (2007) Lizards At Id-Dwejra. Dwejra Heritage Park Gozo pgs.28-33. Dwejra Management Board.

SCIBERRAS, A. (2006) Bahrija Bush Cricket .L-Archipelago (Il- Bahrija) Vol 1pt 8 pgs.245-246. Nature Trust Malta publications.

Sciberras A. (2005) Reptiles- our scaly friends. The Malta Independent. October 22nd pg.6

SCIBERRAS, A. & SCHEMBRI,P.J. (2006) Rana bedriagae. Herpetological review 37(1) pg. 102

SCIBERRAS, A. (2004) Put a sign to save a life. Sunday times December 19th pg.15.

SCIBERRAS, A. (2004) Unusual African Immigrants. Sunday times December 5th pg.16.

Balzan C. (Ed) (2005) Environmentalists at Work. MCAST link issue 16 pg.7

Borg R. (2005)Nature Club Activities.Il Pagun issue 14 pg.27

SCIBERRAS, A., SCIBERRAS, J. &MAGRO, D.(2007) A Celebration of Dragonflies. The Malta Independent. November 19th pgs.8-9.

SCIBERRAS, A. (2007) Xi Haga Fuq Cikku Gwiebi!. L-Orizzont Marzu 14 pg 19

SCIBERRAS, A & SCHEMBRI, P.J. (2004) Alien Frog At Ta`Sarraflu. Sunday times December 5th pgs. 78-79.

SCIBERRAS, A. (2005) Help your environment by keeping your pets at home! Insiter issue April 2005 pg.10

SCIBERRAS, A. (2004) Insect Migration in Malta. MCAST link issue 12 pg.4

SCIBERRAS, A. (2004) The Contribution of Maltese Reptiles to Agriculture. MCAST link issue 9 pg6

SCIBERRAS, A. (2006) L-Istorja ta' L-Amfibji Fil-Gzejjer Maltin. L-Orizzont Ottubru 25(Ghalik pg viii)

SCIBERRAS, A. (2007) Ghajdut, Qlajjiet u Folklor fuq il- Rettili u Amfibji ta' Malta.L-Imnara Vol 1pt 9 no 31 pgs.200-208.